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Through the prism of freedom, the original frequency of kundalini light is intended to unlock the upward flow of energy through the spine. This flow crosses the 33 vertebrae that are part of the spine, so the prism is a glass rod of 33cm.

This original frequency provides the following beneficial effects:

• Unlocking, purification and release of all karmic low vibration energies of the spine. There is an ascending channel that comes from the interior of the planet and ascends through our spine (also known as kundalini). In many cases this channel has remained blocked, not allowing the complete liberation of the karmic history of your soul. That is why the mental and emotional patterns are repeated obsessively, because in the present moment you relive past pain and suffering inside.

• Releases mental rigidity that does not allow us to live the roles we play flexibly. It helps us to uniquely identify our identity through one or more of these roles. When this happens, you begin to free yourself and detach yourself from the idea that you are that role with which you had so far identified. By observing the role as something that is part of you, but not you, you allow your inner being to take control to perform the role in the most flexible way possible.

• Elevate your energy frequency with the vibration of freedom, unconditional love and universal wisdom. The process of individual ascension of each person is that gradually the highest vibration of your being, which has remained outside of you in your spiritual fields, begins to descend through your mental and emotional field. All the beliefs and emotions that limit you are deprogrammed, until you can raise every particle, atom and cell that is part of you, with the highest vibration of your being. During the process of raising your vibration, we identify at least three basic elements that have to be increased within you to maintain balance. These three aspects or elements are your light coefficient, your love coefficient and your wisdom coefficient. When all three rise at the same time, you allow your being to recover its power and use it lovingly from your inner wisdom.

• Aligns and integrates the entire chakra system, both those of the physical body and those above the head and below the feet, being connected to each other. In this way, they begin to function as a unified system of chakras that allows your vibration (of light, love and wisdom) to remain stable and balanced, becoming a powerful channel of light.

• Harmonize within you the coexistence of the 7 basic aspects of your being. By unlocking the spine and unifying the chakra system, there is no longer excess or lack of energy at any of the basic levels, and energy can flow in harmony through you. As there are no blockages, your consciousness stops repeating obsessive patterns, allowing you to dedicate your time and energy in a balanced way in everything that is part of your reality.

The prism of freedom helps each basic level of consciousness connect as a whole.



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